科学 Science
Key Programmes / Activities
Children are naturally curious and they learn through exploring things around them. Hence, the Science Department promotes the joy of learning in Science by stimulating our students’ curiosity about their environment.
Inquiry-based Learning
An inquiry-based learning approach is used to help students make connections of the scientific concepts with their daily lives and their environment. Through these carefully constructed learning experiences, our students develop the skills, habits of mind and attitudes necessary for scientific inquiry and making personal decisions. To cater to the diverse learning needs of our students, the Department uses Differentiated Instruction to allow students to demonstrate their learning through varied ways so as to promote the joy of learning.

Outdoor Experiential Learning
Students develop a better understanding of the relevance of Science in their daily lives through experiential learning activities like learning journeys and activities at the Outdoor Experiential Learning corners in the school.

Learning about Environmental Conservation
Through learning about the interactions between ‘Man and the Environment’, students can better appreciate the important role that every one of us plays in conservation. Students are given opportunities to show care and concern for the environment through taking part in conservation activities in the school.

Developing the potential of our students through Enrichment Activities
Students with strong interest and aptitude in Science have opportunities to showcase their talents in school through participation in Science competitions and the E2K Science programme as well as displaying their work for others to appreciate.

Useful resources
Useful Magazines
Young Scientist (P1-P6)
National Geographic – Young Explorer (P1)
National Geographic – Explorer: Pioneer Edition (P2 to P4)
National Geographic – Explorer: Pathfinder Edition (P4 to P6)
National Geographic – Extreme Explorer (P6 to secondary)
Useful websites: